May 27, 2016
When I behold your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place: what are human beings that you remember them or mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little less than God, with glory and majesty you have adorned them
(Psalm 8:4-6)
When I attended the local fireworks as a young boy, we gazed in wonder: frizzling wisps sketched skyward as multihued smoke-dragons, sulphur-laden scents inhaled as memory-sticks, sparklers juddering into ephemeral calligraphy.
My kids though, they wave phones, snap selfies, splice in a few outward-facing photos, tagged imaginatively -- not to put too fine a point on it -- with "fireworks gr8 luv it".
How can it be that we humans are so imaginative and inane, wondrous and wonky, creative and caustic? Indeed, how could we possibly matter at all some say, when measured against this cosmic Where's Wally -- be the yardstick supernovas or Amazonian rainforests, diamond shards or eye-blind protozoa? So, a mystery we remain; the prima facie evidence leaves the jury hung on homo sapiens.
But the one extrapolation surely no one would make -- be the vector human or nature -- is that we are magnificent creatures made a little less than angels, a hop, skip and jump from the divine.
Surely we humans are not a hair's breadth from God !?
For if we are, if we truly are, then that one daring thought changes everything...