I have been an Anglican since birth, growing up in Sydney. After school, I spent most of the next 20 years in Canberra-Goulburn Diocese, except for four years overseas studying for a Masters in Christian Studies at Regent College (Vancouver) and a PhD at Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), in Biblical Hebrew linguistics. I was ordained to the priesthood in 2009 and in 2010 moved to Adelaide to be Principal of St Barnabas Theological College (2010-2018).
In September 2022 I took up the position of parish priest at St Theodore’s, Toorak Gardens. Liz and I (and our three adult children when they're home) love living here.
I have always loved parish ministry and academic scholarship, and I remain active in both areas. In ministry, I enjoy preaching and speaking, and have presented Bible Studies at the National Anglican Deacons Conference; the National Anglican Bishops Conference; the Willochra and Adelaide Synods; the Willochra, Adelaide, Ballarat, and Canberra-Goulburn Clergy Conferences; General Synod; and the National Anglican Deans Conference.
I have been on General Synod since 2017 and am actively engaged with Anglicans from around the country in the promotion of an inclusive, comprehensive, and open-hearted Anglicanism. I was delighted to contribute 3 chapters to Marriage, Same-sex Marriage and the Anglican Church of Australia: Essays from the Doctrine Commission, 2019, on “Scripture and Moral Reasoning”, “An Alternative Reading of the BCP”, and “The Case for Same-Sex Marriage”.
In academia, I am an honorary research fellow/doctoral supervisor at the University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, and Charles Sturt University. I founded the Biblical Hebrew Language and Linguistics Unit, Society of Biblical Literature (International), and am a member of the Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew Unit, Society of Biblical Literature, and the National Association of Professors of Hebrew (USA). I am also a trustee of the Australian Research Theological Foundation Incorporated (ARTFinc).