singing with gusto and joy without end

By Matthew P. Anstey, 2008. For wedding days

when words in the beginning weaved worlds

and white swans winged their ways down waters calm,

when a song went out from earth’s farthest four corners

gathering glad melodies from all the wild things

       You were there, O Lord, shaping and sharing life,

       singing with gusto and joy without end

when Mary’s womb held the Word within

waiting for the winsome God to be world-born,

when whinnying and cooing creatures were eye-witnesses

to the One-With-Us, wrapped wet in cloth well-worn

       You were there, O Lord, shaping and sharing life,

       singing with gusto and joy without end

when wedding bells and white gowns whirl with a flurry

and a day like no other day washes love across one’s life

when words enwrap ones to be wed in vows grand and majestic

and a marriage is born before friends, fresh as a daisy,  

       You are here, O Lord, shaping and sharing life,

       singing with gusto and joy without end